Signant Health Acquires DSG

Signant Health

Signant Health, a Philadelphia, PA-based company which specializes in evidence generation for modern clinical trials, acquired DSG, a provider of electronic data capture (EDC) and direct data capture (DDC) technology.

The amount of the real was not disclosed.

With the acquisition, Signant will augment its offering and consolidate its market position as a leader in comprehensive digitalization solutions for clinical trials of all sizes and types, each fully supported by science, scale, and operational expertise. 

Led by Roger Smith, chief executive officer, Signant Health is an evidence generation company focused on leveraging software, deep therapeutic and scientific knowledge, and operational expertise to capture, aggregate, and reveal quality evidence for clinical studies across traditional, virtual, and hybrid trial models. For more than 25 years, over 600 sponsors and CROs of all sizes – including all Top 20 pharma – have used its solutions for remote and site-based eCOA, EDC, eConsent, RTSM, supply chain management, and data quality analytics.

