XDimensional Technologies Acquires I-Engineering

XDimensional Technologies

XDimensional Technologies (XDTI), a Boston, MA-based insurance technology provider, acquired I-Engineering, a Shelton, CT-based provider of insurance software.

The amount of the deal was not disclosed.

With the acquisition, XDTI will be able to enhance its capabilities to address the growing MGA space.

Led by Naval Kapoor, Founder, Chairman and CEO, I-Engineering provides a platform that enhances productivity and speed to market. Its technology suite includes Alis, an agency management system, Pumaa, a modern point-of-sale underwriting platform, Ace-hub, a bi-directional translator that exchanges data between agents and carriers who directly rate for a single or multiple markets, and Spider, an exchange between wholesalers and admitted markets.

Led by Lani Cathey, CEO, XDTI develops and markets the Nexsure Insurance Platform, a single, comprehensive platform that supports all players in insurance distribution, including retail agencies, wholesalers, agency networks, program administrators, MGAs, and carriers.

