Homebusiness tips6 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Business Website

6 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Business Website


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Driving more traffic to your website will improve your brand awareness and increase your sales! But, for the best results, you need to ensure that the traffic you attract is high-quality. 

In this article, we’re going to outline how you can drive more high-quality traffic to your business’s website. Let’s get started!

Improve your SEO by targeting the best keywords 

It’s important that you target the right keywords with your website copy. This will ensure that your website ranks for the right queries on search engines so you reach the most suitable people. 

To conduct some keyword research, head to a tool like Google Keyword Planner with a list of words and phrases related to your business. Plug them into the planner, and Google will provide you with different words and phrases that people are searching for related to your business. You’ll be given information about their competitiveness, or how hard they are to rank for, and their average monthly search volumes. 

You can use these keywords to create content, write your web page copy, and choose your page titles. Getting this right will boost your search engine optimization, or SEO, meaning that your site will be more visible on search engines. 

It’s also important that these keywords are weaved into your copy naturally. If you just throw a bunch of keywords onto a single page, Google will recognize this as keyword stuffing and dock your rankings on relevant search engine results pages (SERPs).

Let’s take a look at a few businesses that have incorporated keywords into their website copy well for inspiration.

For instance, Backlinko, a digital marketing expert, has an article on getting high-quality backlinks, which ranks very well on the SERPs. In fact, this article ranks #1 on the first page of Google for the phrase “how to build backlinks,” so the companies have clearly targeted keywords very well in this piece. 

Throughout the article, keywords are present in titles, headers, and throughout the copy. On your website, think about how you can base your guides and articles around keywords — this is a great way to draw in organic traffic.

Similarly, SurveyMonkey, an online survey creator, has an article on identifying customer touchpoints that also targets relevant keywords successfully. They also rank #1 on the first page of Google for the phrase “how to find customer touchpoints”. 

In the article, SurveyMonkey covers what customer touchpoints are, how to gather feedback from these touchpoints, and more. It’s very likely that this piece of content was shaped and written with common keywords in mind.

When you’re writing your own website copy and coming up with ideas for new content, make sure you always look into what kinds of keywords you should be targeting. Incorporating these into your writing in a subtle but effective way will set you up for success. 

Write guest posts for other websites in your field 

By writing guest posts for relevant websites, you can reach a wider audience and drive more high-quality traffic to your website. 

Guest posting is the process of writing articles for other authoritative websites in your niche. This can draw in new traffic! It’s also a great way to build backlinks, which involves acquiring hyperlinks to your website from other high-quality websites. When this happens, Google takes it as a vote of confidence in your authority, boosting your SEO as a result. 

You should always check a website’s domain authority before reaching out with a guest post idea. A website’s domain authority will tell you how likely its links will help to boost your rankings. To determine this, check out the domain authority checker tool offered by Loganix. We can show you the strength of any given website so you can make informed decisions when it comes to guest posting.

Create informative and helpful content that your audience wants 

By addressing your customers’ pain points with your blog content, you can show that you really understand your target audience. This is a great digital marketing strategy that will drive more traffic to your website and should lead to more sales. 

Start by checking in with your customer service team to see if there are any common questions or concerns that they get frequently. Basing your content off of these will not only save your customer service team time, but it will show that you understand your audience and drive more traffic to your website. 

You can also conduct some question keyword research. Head to a question keyword research tool like Answer the Public. Plug in words and phrases related to your business, and they’ll provide you with a list of questions that people are searching for on these topics! You can then allow these to inspire your future content. 

If you just don’t have the time or skills to create high-quality content for your blog, it could be time to enlist the help of a professional. If you think you’re in this situation, check out some of the blog writing services offered by Verblio. They can provide you with articles that boost your SEO and help your customers!

Let’s take a look at an example of helpful content for inspiration.

Blue Apron, a meal kit subscription service, has an article outlining how to make fresh tomato salsa. The article covers ingredients, cutting strategies, and more. 

Blue Apron’s audience is full of novice cooks and adventurous eaters — if they come across this website while looking for salsa recipes, they might be willing to buy Blue Apron’s products! This makes it great for drawing in traffic and getting sales. 

On your website, think about how you can use tutorials and guides to draw in more traffic, and encourage your ideal audience to shop with you!

Make sure your social media profiles have a consistent output 

If you’re active on social media, you’ll make your business a lot more visible online and will attract more of your ideal customers. You can engage with your target customers on social media by sharing their content (with their permission), commenting on their posts, and the like. 

Keep in mind that different social media platforms will work better for different businesses. If your business has a lot of opportunities for visual content, Tiktok and Instagram are good choices. If you are just looking for the largest user base, go with Facebook. If you market mostly to professionals, LinkedIn is your best bet.

If you need help staying on top of your social media platforms, consider using a program that will let you bulk schedule your posts in advance. That way, you can make a series of posts at once and not have to worry about it for a while. It can really streamline your processes and ensure you’re always staying active online. 

Harness the power of online advertising

It might seem obvious, but a lot of businesses wait too long to invest in online advertising. You can take advantage of online advertising in the form of paid search ads, social media advertising, Google ads, and more. 

Because paid ads are typically well targeted and very convincing, they can do a great job of sending more traffic to your website. You will need to put some time and effort into getting your paid ad campaigns right, though. So, here are a few tips for getting the best results from paid advertising:

  • Set a budget and stick to it
  • Incorporate keywords in your ads
  • Ensure your landing pages are optimized for conversions
  • Advertise across multiple platforms

You should also see paid advertising as a form of marketing that can take some trial and error. Choose a strategy, try it out, and track your results. If you aren’t getting the rate of conversions you’re looking for, try another tactic. You’ll eventually find the best method to suit your business. 

Provide free tools that your customers will use and love 

Free tools and resources can be very powerful marketing tools for certain types of businesses. They can help you show potential customers what you do, build loyalty among new website visitors, and will be very shareable. This means that they’re great for building links and boosting your SEO. 

There are a huge variety of tools that your business can make. If you offer financial advice or information, for instance, unique calculators could work. If you provide cosmetics or fashion products, virtual try-on features could prove very beneficial for your customers. Or, depending on the type of business you run, you might be well-served offering templates or checklists that outline your helpful processes. 

Let’s take a look at a few examples of businesses that do a good job providing free tools to show their prospective customers what they’re capable of.

Looka, an online branding and logo company, has a business name generator that serves as a helpful tool for drawing in traffic. 

A website visitor simply plugs in their industry type or business idea, and Looka offers a series of potential business names — this tool is supplementary to their branding software! If a user then needs to come up with branding after determining a name, they can do so on Looka’s website. On your site, think about what tools you could create that will lead your website visitors to your main products or services.

FreshBooks, an online accounting software company, does something similar with their free invoice templates

FreshBooks’ target audience is full of freelancers and small business owners who are likely to do their own accounting. By offering these invoice templates for free, FreshBooks can draw in anyone that is looking for help in this area, thus promoting their other products. On your website, think about what tools or templates you could offer that lend themselves well to your actual products to draw in the best traffic.


If you want to make sales, you need to get more eyes on your products and website. In this article, we outlined how you can get more traffic, including by providing free tools, creating helpful content, investing in paid advertising, and more. 

Take a look at your strategy and see what needs work! If you implement some of these ideas, it won’t be long before you start to see results. 

Author bio & headshot:

Adam Steele is COO and co-founder of Loganix, which is an SEO fulfillment partner for digital marketing agencies and professionals. The company provides the SEO services that businesses need to grow and achieve their goals. If you enjoyed this article, you can find more SEO guides and templates on the Loganix blog.