HomefundingEIF Launches European Angels Fund

EIF Launches European Angels Fund


European Investment Fund recently launched the European Angels Fund (EAF), which provides equity to business angels and other non-institutional investors for the financing of innovative companies in the seed, early or growth stage in the form of co-investments.

Managed by the EIF, the fund supports business angels in increasing their investment capacity. It started its activities in Germany in cooperation with Business Angels Netzwerk Deutschland (BAND) and the ERP-EIF Dachfonds in March 2012. In the future, the EAF will be extended to other European countries and regions in view of a pan-European coverage.

Business angels with a) an adequate experience in the targeted investment area, b) a track record of successful investments in the past, c) good access to quality deals and d) financial capacity to invest at least €250k in total during the lifetime of the CFA, i.e. 10 years, can submit their application online at: http://www.eif.org/what_we_do/equity/eaf/eaf_form.htm



Useful Links
– EIF launches a fund for Business Angels (read here)
– European Angels Fund (EAF) (read here)
– European Angels Fund (EAF) leaflet (download here)