Online Video Calls and WebRTC Leak Issues

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It is incredibly easy to call someone over the Internet browser today, whether you want an audio or video call. Video calls API services are available for everyone, and many solutions are free of charge too.

Digital Samba is one of the leading platforms when it comes to video communication in a browser. This is largely possible thanks to WebRTC technology that enables two Internet users to connect via a browser without additional applications or programs. However, while WebRTC solutions are mostly secure and convenient, a specific issue appears. This problem is not that drastic for many users, but some might find it inconvenient. When using WebRTC technology for communications, so-called IP leaks appear in your browser. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about this technology.

What Are WebRTC Leaks?

When talking about WebRTC, it is important to discuss both its advantages and potential weaknesses. One of the features of this technology can potentially lead to security breaches, but this is not because of poor design or any bugs. When WebRTC signaling servers establish a quick and seamless connection between two Internet users, a quick path is created between them. This straightforwardness is possible by skipping some of the safety measures. One of these measures is hiding your IP address. When people use VPN plugins and apps, they hide their VPNs to protect their addresses from potential cyber attackers. When using WebRTC, the other device can see your true IP address.

Luckily, it is not an issue that cannot be solved. You will not need to worry about your IP in most cases anyway. But there are ways to make your WebRTC connection completely secure; they just need to be designed for using this technology specifically.

Is It Safe to Communicate Using WebRTC?

Yes, WebRTC is a safe peer-to-peer communication technology if done correctly. There is no need to do anything for the users of web conferencing services based on WebRTC. But for developers, it is crucial to take care of proper encryption. When data travels through the WebRTC connection, it must be protected from potential intruders, and the same goes for private information about each user and their devices.

People do not use WebRTC solutions as they are but rather communicate online through video conferencing services that build their solutions with this technology. For example, Digital Samba is a platform that allows creating video conferences and using helpful tools to make communication even more convenient. To make these services secure, E2EE encryption is involved to protect the information delivered with each video call. These services are GDPR-compliant to ensure that security measures live up to the highest standards. This is why you are fully protected while using WebRTC.

The Advantages of Using WebRTC Technology

There are plenty of reasons for people to use quick and easy online communication with WebRTC instead of downloading other programs. Here are some of the main benefits of incorporating this technology:

  • Works in any browser โ€“ regardless of your preferred browser, you should be able to use WebRTC for video calls. The very idea of using nothing but the browser is a great time-saver. Instead of looking for the right web plugins or installing the same application on your device and other people’s gadgets, you can just open a necessary website and start a call. In addition, all software must be updated regularly, but with WebRTC, developers do it themselves and people using these services do not need to worry about anything.
  • Open source and free to use โ€“ this project was created by Google, and it is completely free to use. Not only WebRTC is backed by one of the biggest tech companies in the world, but it is also open source, and everybody can use it and contribute to it.
  • Continuous development โ€“ WebRTC is an ongoing project that consists of many different elements. Because it is open source, there are constant contributions that improve this technology and help it evolve to fit the demands of the market and its users.
  • Scalability โ€“ while WebRTC helps with creating fast peer-to-peer communication, there might be a need to transmit a lot of data and files. For everything to work smoothly and swiftly, additional servers are needed. This way, scalability is possible as incorporating media servers will help with the fast transmission of any info you might need.
  • Safety โ€“ secure encryption is used to protect the users and their personal data while communicating online. A few different encryption protocols are involved for maximum security.

With the abundance of benefits, there is no surprise in such popularity of WebRTC. Many video conferencing platforms rely on this technology to deliver the best quality of services.

Benefits of Video Conferencing Online

The majority of businesses worldwide have already realized the importance and advantages of a good video conferencing platform. At Digital Samba, you can find everything you need for business calls:

  • Quick video calls โ€“ there is no need to set up special equipment and install programs to start communicating. Both users only need to use their browsers on any device, from a computer to a portable tablet. It is incredibly useful for quick business calls on an everyday basis.
  • Client support โ€“ using a third-party video conferencing service means that you do not need to take care of the technical side of things. There is customer care and technical support that can provide assistance at any time.
  • Convenient for clients โ€“ while you can train your employees to work with any software, it is crucial to make things as simple as possible for clients. Video conferencing via WebRTC is perfect for communicating with clients and business partners.

Even browser-based software offers a variety of tools and additional features to make your communication simple and convenient.