HTX Ventures Invests in Kelp DAO

Kelp DAO

Kelp DAO, a provider of a re-pledge protocol based on EigenLayer, received an investment from HTX Ventures.

The company has secured $9M in its latest round of strategic private sales.

This funding will enable Kelp DAO to further develop its technology, expand its offerings, and refine its liquid restaking solutions.

Led by Dheeraj Borra, Kelp DAO offers a scalable solution based on EigenLayer, which enables users to stay connected with it through their official website and social media channels for the latest product updates. Currently, Kelp offers liquid restaking across the Ethereum mainnet and nine Layer 2 solutions, including Arbitrum, Blast, Linea, Base, and Scroll. It supports ETH, stETH, sfrxETH and ETHx. 

