HomeUSATendril Acquires EnergySavvy

Tendril Acquires EnergySavvy


tendrilTendril, a Boulder, CO-based provider of AI-powered utility customer experience and DSM solutions, is to acquire EnergySavvy, a provider of personalized utility customer engagement solutions.

The amount of the deal was not disclosed.

With the acquisition, Tendril’s expanded platform now delivers proven solutions for the full range of C-level, residential customer experience challenges: reducing service costs, increasing satisfaction, and executing strategic initiatives, such as serving low-income households and supporting TOU rates.

Led by Adrian Tuck, CEO, Tendril provides a data analytics platform on more than 123 million homes which creates new business opportunities for any product or service provider connected to the home. Today, this includes electric and gas utilities, and energy retailers. Built over more than a decade, the platform delivers real-time data about the home and how people use energy in it. These insights help customers improve customer acquisition, increase engagement and orchestrate home energy experiences.

Led by Aaron Goldfeder, CEO, EnergySavvy provides cloud based utility customer experience and personalization products to more than 30 utility clients to deliver measurable utility business benefits, including reduced call volumes and increases in arrears collections, program enrollment, email open rates, and customer trust scores.

