HomeGermanyLoopline Systems Completes Seven-Digit Second Financing Round

Loopline Systems Completes Seven-Digit Second Financing Round


loopline_systemsLoopline Systems, a Berlin, Germany-based provider of intelligent HR software, has held the second close of and completed its seven-digit second round of financing.

Backers included Paul Schwarzenholz and Björn Kolbmüller (Flaconi), Constanze Buchheim and Martina Weiner (i-Potentials) and Ryan Hood (Hood.de) as well as existing investors Project A Ventures (which spun-off the company), the VC fund Technologie Berlin II (managed by the IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft), High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), and Monkfish Equity.

Founded in 2014 by human-resources strategist Nora Heer and entrepreneur Christian Kaller, Loopline Systems provides loopline, an intelligent HR software application that links performance metrics with data about the potential and satisfaction levels of individual members of staff in order to generate a continuous flow of information for company management from the cloud.
The product was first developed for the 100 members of staff at Project A as an alternative to the monolithic performance-management software systems currently available.

