HomeFinlandSurveypal Raises $1m in Seed Funding

Surveypal Raises $1m in Seed Funding


surveypalSurveypal, a San Francisco, CA-based online survey platform, raised $1m in seed funding.

Backers included Vendep Fund, Finnvera Venture Capital and individual investor Ari Korhonen, a backer in 500 Startups and Seedcamp.

The company intends to use the funds to increase its sales and marketing efforts and grow in North America.

Launched in 2011 in Finland by Samuli Zetterberg, CEO, Surveypal offers companies a tool to capture and report real-time insights and make data-driven decisions. It allows companies to track how they are doing with customers in real-time and continuously act on that feedback.
The company today serves over 600 enterprise customers including IKEA, Deloitte, Roche, Reader’s Digest and PwC among others.
Surveypal set up its in San Francisco base of operations last year.

