HomefundingResusPod Raises Angel Funding

ResusPod Raises Angel Funding


ResusPod, a Leeds, UK-based company that provides dentists with equipment and training to handle onsite medical emergencies, has received an angel funding of undisclosed amount.
Investors include business angels Paul Smith and Tim Ward, who are also providing advice and assistance.
ResusPod intends to use the funds to fully launch its products to market. It was officially launched on 4 March, 2011.
Founded by Kathryn Taylor and Julie Burke – dentists, oral surgeons and academics at Leeds Dental Institute, ResusPod is a spin-out from the University of Leeds and provides dentists with the correct medicines, equipment and training to manage medical emergencies.
Its offer covers all the requirements of the new regulations, including medicines in tamper-evident containers and specialist infection control materials. Customers are supported through a sophisticated inventory management system, which provides them with new medicines and equipment as and when required.