HomeUSAInTouch Health Receives $6M in Series D Financing

InTouch Health Receives $6M in Series D Financing


InTouch Health, a Santa Barbara, CA-based provider of telemedicine solutions that enable physicians to perform real-time consults with hospital patients, has received $6m from Beringea.
The investment, which is part of a $10m Series D financing round, will fund the opening of an engineering research and development center in Michigan, as well as further fuel the company’s product development, sales and marketing efforts and international expansion.
InTouch’s new Michigan-based R&D center will include a team of advanced robotics engineers, taking advantage of the State’s highly-skilled labor pool.
The investment was made through Beringea’s $175m InvestMichigan! Growth Capital Fund, which provides venture and expansion-stage capital to emerging businesses based in, or with substantial operations in the state of Michigan.
InvestCare Partners and other investors provided the remainder of the round.
InTouch Health’s RP technologies enable physicians to remotely perform real-time consults and diagnosis with hospital patients. Currently, the company’s RP technology is used in more than 300 hospital locations nationwide, including 50 across Michigan.