Foresight Ventures Dedicates $10M to Supporting Web3 Startups

Foresight Ventures

Foresight Ventures, a Singapore-based crypto fund, launched Foresight X, a $10M incubator program supporting Web3 Startups.

Foresight X is an open platform collaborating with various industry builders. The incubator has also partnered up with early stage investors and incubators like Hack VC, infrastructure tools like Dune Analytics and Bitkeep, developer communities like Tintin, and university blockchain clubs at Berkeley, Stanford, University of Southern California, and more to be disclosed. 

In partnership with developer hub Gitcoin, it will share incentives and help collaborations across the Western and Eastern development communities and markets.

There are three main collaborative programs, including:

  • Foresight X Incubator, an 8-week program that will select 30 companies to provide $50,000- $200,000 investment, together with an exclusive marketing package, mentorship programs, industry-wide demo day, and post-incubation support.
  • Foresight X Ecosystem Grants, an infinite prize pool, dedicated to providing $5,000 – $10,000 grants to every selected application. 
  • Foresight X Research Grant, an unlimited prize pool for ambitious scholars, to continuously reward research in the blockchain space.

Foresight X will accept grant applicants from across the Web3 space at every stage of development. The application process will kick off at the end of 2022.

Led by Forest Bai, and Tony Cheng, Foresight Ventures is a crypto fund with $400 AUM that manages a VC fund, an actively-managed secondary fund, a multi-strategy FOF, and a private market secondary fund.



è un incubatole ma puoi farlo ragionando come un fondo.

Foresight Ventures launches Web3-focused grants and incubator programs with a $10 million funding pool and ecosystem resources devoted to accelerate the burgeoning crypto space.