A payday loan-also known as “check loan” or “cash advance” is a short term loan usually capped at $1000 that is normally payable on your next payday.
These loans are mostly preferred by individuals who cannot access ordinary credit-usually the bigger number of population that are at or close to the bottom of economic continuum. The payday industry in the United States has been growing exponentially thanks to the mushrooming number of people who need fast money.
It is stated that, nowadays, the number of payday lenders in the US is higher than McDonald’s or Starbucks. What does that mean? It implies that the number of people who want fast money is higher compared to those who consume fast foods. Overly, there are 20,000 payday lenders in the US! McDonald’s is estimated to be in only 14,000 locations! So, the key question is, why do so many Americans need payday loans?
As you can observe from the above statistics, many Americans opt for payday loans for regular and urgent needs. However, there are also other reasons that might compel them to take money in advance. For instance, it’s convenient; these payday lending firms are always open even outside regular working days. Besides, you can access them online while at your home hence they offer high customer satisfaction and good feedback. Filling out an application and receiving the money doesn’t take you long. However, the only drawback is you should have enough income, and you always pay your payday loans. That all put together indicates that payday loans, were, are and will be the sure bet as long as financial firms exist. A webmaster in a loan affiliate program for business can without a doubt benefit from this situation. Let’s see how.
The Critical Thing Is To Opt For The Right Affiliate Program.
Whether you deal with payday lead generations, or you have been involved in something different, but you have decided to give a shot to a payday, you probably understand how crucial it is to engage the right program. Сompanies with loan affiliate program for business like LeadsGate do everything possible to make sure their affiliates are satisfied and promote their partnership. Nevertheless, when it comes to money, things are quite different. Few pay a good reward for high-quality lead generations. However LeadsGate payday affiliate network does this; currently, every publisher has an opportunity to get $180 just per lead, and that is just one of its unbeatable “perks” let’s dig deeper into these high payouts for leads and reliable partnership.
Apart from the payout of $180, here are more benefits LeadsGate is proud to offer:
Rebill system– LeadsGate adhere to the principle of “once our client, always our client” in most other programs, you are not rewarded if your customer applies for the loan once again (simply put, he didn’t click to your banner and just recalled the URL)
Payment for declines– you don’t have to worry if your leads get declined. With LeadsGate, you still get your 5-15% pay on declines. That has enabled the network to retain its good company reputation.
Referral program– most networks have implemented this feature. The difference is that LeadsGate affiliate network offers higher percentage compared to others. If you send LeadsGate invite to a person who operates payday vertical, you are eligible to receive 5% from the revenue he creates.
Auction-based leads selling platform– this feature is not common for other networks. With its help, your leads are auctioned at the highest prices. Your leads are auctioned on the private LeadsGate’s auction thereby the system covers 100% of advertisers hence maximising your probability to be auctioned at the peak prices.
To understand it better, see this screenshot from their platform:
To Wrap Things Up
Choosing an affiliate network with a robust focus on a specific area and a vast and diversified tree of lenders will be beneficial to you. Take an example of this straightforward analogy: when you want to purchase sneakers, you go to a sports shop rather than a supermarket. The reason is that a sports shop specialises in sport’s shoes only and you are likely to get the best sneaker there.
Why do we give this analogy? Well, if you want to get the highest value for your payday leads, then you should choose a network that is well acquainted with all the perks and also the limitation of the industry and can guide you in your road to success. That is the same reason why LeadsGate payday affiliate network will be without a doubt your best option.