Businesses That Cost Hardly Any Money to Get Started

Dream of going into business for yourself, but don’t think you have enough money to get started? It’s true that some businesses require tens of thousands of dollars in startup cash, but not all do. Some require hardly any money at all!
No matter what your skills or interests, you can go into business for yourself as a micropreneur. Here are a few ideas that cost very little, or even no money, to get started.

Take the Gig Economy Seriously

When most people think about the gig economy, think of using it as a side hustle. Whether they’re a driver for Uber or they rent a room occasionally on Airbnb, they only think of it as a way to bring in a little extra cash every month.
Why not take what you’re already doing on the side and turn it into a full-time thing?
There are tons of ways you can get in on the gig economy and provide yourself with a stable income, even if it means doing a few different things at once.

Some ideas include:
– Simultaneously use an app, like to find work while you build a client base.
– Become an assistant on Fancy Hands while you look for a long-term client the old-fashioned way.
– Ramp up the writing projects you accept on platforms like Upwork.

Become a Consultant

If you have a lot of experience in a certain area, no matter what that area might be, you could become a consultant.
It’s one of the best businesses to start if you don’t have any startup cash because it literally only costs you time. They key is to offer consulting in an in-demand area. That could be anything from interior design to personal development or SEO strategy.

Let Your Creative Juices Flow

Some people go into business for themselves because they simply want to be their own boss. Other people dream of turning their passion into a sustainable income. The latter is often the case with creatives.
You really can start a creative business for only the costs of your particular materials. It is one of the hardest businesses to start, but it also has the potential to be the most rewarding. Websites like Etsy have made selling handmade items easier than ever before, and the growing popularity of craft fairs and farmer’s markets means that you can find an audience quickly.

Sell Used Items

A lot of people sell their old stuff to make a little extra cash, but did you know you can actually turn it into a business?
You can become an eBay assistant seller. Instead of marketing your own items, you sell someone else’s stuff directly to the customer and get a commission based on your sales. Just make sure you know the distributor you’re working for well in order to avoid scams.
These ideas only scratch the surface! True micropreneurs are very creative about the kinds of businesses they start. Give one of these a try or be brave enough to take the leap with another idea and strike out on your own!

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