3 Ways to Better Sleep to Improve Work Performance

Sleep is good for us. Everyone knows that. Yet for a long time many of those in the business world have simply seen sleep as something that gets in the way of making money.

Fortunately is looks like those days are numbered. Study after study is beginning to show just how important a good night’s sleep can be on every aspect of our lives, including our work.

Research shows that well-rested individuals have better cognitive performance, a more powerful memory, make less mistakes, are more more accurate, respond better under pressures and are more able to identify social cues.

In plain English, better sleep equals better performance.

Google have installed sleep pods in their offices around the world so there staff can even catch up on some sleep while on the job. And if the boffins in Silicon Valley are doing it there must be something in it for the rest of us.

Read on for three simple ways to get better sleep…

1. Schedule time for sleep

‘Money never sleeps’, or so the saying goes. But you have to. Irregular bedtimes cause irregular sleep. One of the easiest ways to ensure you begin to improve the quality and quantity of our sleep is to keep a regular bedtime.

And no, bedtimes aren’t just for kids. The human body absolutely adores routine. So give it one. Calculate when you have to be awake in the morning for work and then wind the clock back eight hours. That is your ideal bedtime. Stick to it. Your work performance will than you

2. Don’t take your work to bed

Bedrooms are for sleep. They are not a substitute for your office. Leave your smartphone off and your laptop shut.

When you head hits the pillow at night you should already be relaxed and ready for sleep. This simple won’t happen if you are sending work emails or scrolling through social media in the moments before you try and nod off.

Firstly you will simply be overstimulated by the interactive nature of technology. Secondly the blue light screens emit plays havoc with our bodies production of melatonin, the hormone that controls our body clock and makes us drowsy at night.

3. Invest in your rest

You wouldn’t turn up to a meeting in an old suit tattered suit would you? So why would you choose to sleep on an old bed that isn’t up to the job?

We spend one third of our lives sleeping in bed, yet so few of us pay enough attention to what we sleep on. The result is that many of have completely avoidable problems sleeping, and completely avoidable aches and pains.

Ensure you mattress is firm and doesn’t sag. If it does then it is time to go mattress shopping. And while you are at it, treat yourself to some nice pillows.

For advice on what constitutes a quality pillow, check out what Sarah Cummings thinks over at the Sleep Advisor blog.

There you have it, three simple but hugely effective ways to get better sleep. Sweet dreams!

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