HomeGermanyeWings.com Raises €1.1M

eWings.com Raises €1.1M


ewingseWings.com, a Berlin, Germany-based travel management software company, raised €1.1m in a second round of financing.

The round was led by High-Tech Gründerfonds, with participation from FSF Beteiligungs GmbH and Kima Ventures, as well as existing investors.

The company will use the capital injection to further strengthen its product development and push expansion.

Founded in early 2014 by Thilo Hardt (co-founder of Mister Spex) and Philipp Joas, eWings.com provides flight-booking software to over 3,500 business clients who have access to the airlines’ net rates and choose from over 107,000 flights by over 700 airlines per day.
Search results can be compared according to stress level, price, departure, arrival and duration and can be booked within 60 seconds.

