The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) is launching new industrial projects totaling US $9m to benefit industry in India.
A US $5.9m cluster development programme for India will focus on technology, management, skill development, and the environment. It will be implemented by 2014 at sites in Pithampura, Chennai, Pune, Ankhleswar, Kanpur, and New Delhi, matching the specific needs of each industrial location.
In particular, the programme will offer key solutions to each of the clusters to help them address technology, quality or environmental constraints, encompassing a comprehensive package of services – ranging from energy efficiency and water conservation to cleaner production and lean manufacturing.
A separate project worth US $3m will deal with upgrading India’s machine tool industry, considered the backbone of the country’s engineering sector but still underdeveloped.
The machine tool industry project will be implemented in coordination with the UNIDO Regional Office in New Delhi and within the framework of a programme of cooperation between India and UNIDO for 2008-2012.